Thursday, 20 January 2011

Things starting to gel....

Over the last 10 days lots of lovely photos have come in of completed work for Strule..... I am impressed indeed... and I found my missing camera lead!   My tip for the day:-

If you lose anything- just do some housework- Whatever it is always turns up as the chaos recedes.....

I took these pictures of Catherines work at our last meeting

Beautiful precise handwork.... ! these photos don't ( can't!) do it justice.

Alma sent these panels

Inspired by the colours of the seasons

and some cushions

And Christine has sent some gorgeously sumptuous textured pieces-
Congratulations Ladies!
This is going to be a really fine show! 

My Stuff

I gave myself a sharp kick where I needed it and got down to finishing the last of my stuff for Strule.

Its all about where City folk with only a tiny patch of gritty front garden go for " refreshment of spirit"

The Public Park.

A wonderful Victorian tradition that looks as if its going to die out under the weight of budget cuts and box ticking target achievements....

But in its heyday... neat paths at exact angles through properly shorn patches of lawn, dotted with towering specimen trees, beautifully laid out flower beds, and for my 10 year old self - space to run!

(Its obvious to all I haven't moved faster than a dignified stride since!)

I hope these meet with approval

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Lots of nice things...

Happy New year Ladies!

And WELCOME to our newest members.....

 5 weeks to hanging up at Strule......(GASP!)

Olive has been busier than an orchard full of beehives and has sent some lovely photos... So many I'll do them in two lots....

I particularly like these Van Gogh inspired ones

These stunning views of Castle ward ( which I believe are destined for the exhibition) 


This gorgeous moonlit snowfield!  

and a couple of flowers just in case they're needed!

I know I have some other images on my camera from our last meeting....Catherines goldwork in particular .... I'll put them on as soon as I find the connector
(I know I had it when I was tidying up at Christmas.....)

See you all soon