Saturday, 15 May 2010

finding things

I've been test driving the new workspace.....Very pleased with it- particularly the way I can find things when I need them.  While sorting it out I  found a number of half finished projects I'd forgotten about, and it turns out I own 5 pairs of scissors and about a dozen stitch unpicks!!!  not to mention a packet of fabric carbon paper -Strange - don't remember ever buying the stuff .

A book from the 1920s on how to draw trees turned up and a badge that declares us members of the  "Cloud Appreciation Society"

I also came across a bit of layered felt and fabric snippets that I'd embellished.
A sunny and cheerful thing

So  with a few hastily freehand stitched"sun" sketches and an off-cut of brown velvet

I 'll have a case for my sunglasses I can actually find in the depth my bag - when I sew that button on....

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