Sunday, 12 February 2012

Return to UFTM

Valerie invited us back to the Ulster folk and transport Museum, and generously let us  rummage around in the archives- some  of the photos in the collection are just stunning.

She also pulled loads of beautiful pieces out of the colllection for us to see. They made me wonder about the hundreds and thousands of hours spent  over the years by women  just stitching away.......Hours we now spend in front of screens , TV, computers, kindles.....!

This piece of drawn thread-work was a sample piece for one of the large departnment stores

after all the time painstakingly creating this incredible work by hand, a customer could wander in and just chop off a sample from the end!

There were samplers , and little garments, whitework quilts...
I left with a head full of ideas - which was the point of the excercise 

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